Monthly Archives: September 2014

Weight Loss Surgery and Sane Eating: Can they coexist?

By |2021-06-17T15:50:23+00:00September 15th, 2014|"Thin From Within", Emotional Eating, Habit Changes, Weight Loss, weight loss surgery|

Weight loss surgery is often seen as an “easy way out”, or a short-term “band-aid” that only masks deeper problems. On the other side, beliefs persist that surgery can solve problems all by itself. In short, the idea of surgery as a drastic solution seesaws with the idea that it’s a lazy solution. The reality is way more complex than this.


By |2014-09-04T08:18:57+00:00September 4th, 2014|Habit Changes, Healthy Foods, Weight Loss|

Even with all the media focus on diet and weight, it’s not often that two significant stories appear in the same week. This week both the New York Times and the Today Show highlighted different findings that fine-tune our understanding. And both of them, in the end, point to key Eat Sanely messages.


By |2014-09-04T08:02:35+00:00September 4th, 2014|"Thin From Within", Emotional Eating, Habit Changes, Weight Loss|

Fall, and Back-to-School time, lend themselves to resolutions. This is a time of transition, often with a recommitment to routine. It’s a season, too, that lacks the pressure that charges New Year’s Day. Resolutions to change specific, sometimes small, habits are those most likely to succeed, in any season. This fall, I’m thinking specifically of “Eat More Sanely” targets. Such targets surely bolster those aimed at diet. Attitude, self-care, and behavioral goals emerge here—and any one will render the desired weight and fitness goals more likely to happen, and more likely to stick.

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